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Bled Castle,

Easter Embroidery Exhibition by ‘Vide Blejske’

FOTO: Roscoe Žerovec
From 29 March to 6 May 2024, Stolp Gallery will house an exhibition of stunning Easter-themed embroidered products hand-made by a group of local embroidery artists known as 'Vide Blejske'. The hand embroidery club is part of the Bled Pensioners' Society.

In 2024 the 'Vide Blejske' club will celebrate 20 years of their artistic journey. The group currently consists of 17 members, all of them skilled artisans who bring to life the art of various handicrafts, from hand embroidery to crochet; two artists are also skilled at lace-making. Their weekly get-togethers are primarily social gatherings. The artists meet to share their knowledge and skills, and exchange views. Though their work they pass the knowledge and heritage from one generation to the next. The group are committed to raising the awareness of the role and importance of these arts and share at least a part of the extensive knowledge to the pupils from the Bled Primary School, who visit them once or twice a year.

In addition to Easter-themed embroidered tablecloths, the exhibition at Bled Castle will also display embroidered products to decorate large wicker baskets to bring to church for the blessing of the Easter food. The motifs are connected to the theme of Easter: spring, flowers, lambs, Easter eggs, a bible, and the inscription ‘hallelujah’. A lamb on the bible is a common motif, as are red Easter eggs. The artisans can use any chosen stitch type in their tablecloths but the quality is higher if the artist uses several different stitching types. There is a strict rule that no embroider is allowed to break: there must be no knots on the back side of the work. You will also find no industrial lace in their products – all the lace you see is hand-made!

The exhibition at the ‘Stolp’ Gallery at Bled Castle will showcase impressive Easter-themed hand-embroidered tablecloths that are a product of extensive knowledge, patience and passion for safeguarding the area's cultural heritage.

Come and see them for yourself!

PFOTO: Roscoe Žerovec